Custom Fund Raising Programs
We take fund raising to a different much more profitable level. Our program involves the perpetual creation of funds for an organization by developing highly consumable products that can be used and reordered monthly. This program takes advantage of the numbers of supporters of any organization and redirects funds they are already spending to purchase products they use on a regular basis back to your organization. Instead of these funds being spent with the regular vendors, they are redirected to your organization.
We will consult with you to determine what product or products would be the right fit to be branded with your organization's logo/name and develop and program you and your supporters will be proud of. The Girl Scouts have their cookies, you can have your own branded dish washing detergent, hair and/or skin care products, air freshener or even candles.
If this is of any interest to you and your organization, if you need to generate perpetual revenue and promote your organization at the same time, contact us ASAP to make these goals a reality.